Box 1
Contains 23 Results:
HB 1 - 72, 1877
Proposed and adopted legislation, joint memorials and resolutions. Files contain title of bill or act, sponsor, date and action taken in legislative committees and the legislature as a whole, and copy of act as introduced, amended, or engrossed. When not listed, House and Senate Joint Resolutions are included among the House Bills and Senate Files
CF 1 - 63 (gap in records), 1877
Proposed and adopted legislation, joint memorials and resolutions. Files contain title of bill or act, sponsor, date and action taken in legislative committees and the legislature as a whole, and copy of act as introduced, amended, or engrossed. When not listed, House and Senate Joint Resolutions are included among the House Bills and Senate Files
05.02.01 Oaths & Appointments (General - Boards & Commissions), 1869 - 1890
Original oaths, bonds and signature certificates of elected and appointed officials. Oaths from 1888 to 1958 are on microfilm. Boxes 10-12 contain oaths and related correspondence for boards and commissions