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Guide to the Vera Jane Edwards Pease Collection

Identifier: B-804

Scope and Content

This collection includes records collected by Vera Jane Edwards Pease while working for the American Red Cross in France during World War I. Also included are several items related to her political beliefs and run for Colorado Governor on the Farmers-Labor Party in 1928.


  • 1918-1928


Language of Materials


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.

Copy Restrictions

Limited duplication of print materials allowed for research purposes. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Historical Note

Vera Jane Wheeler was born in Illinois on September 19, 1874. By 1894, she had moved to California where she married Thomas Jefferson Edwards, 13 years older than her and the son of former Missouri Governor, Missouri Supreme Court Justice, and Congressman John Cummins Edwards. They had one son, Darrell. At some point between 1900 and 1910, the couple divorced, possibly in Colorado. During this period, Vera begins traveling the west performing... and directing local talent in her productions. Her performances are advertised in many states including Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming.

Between 1918 and 1919, Vera worked in Frace at an American Red Cross hospital hut using her skills to cheer and comfort American soldiers on the Western Front where she was known as "Mother Edwards."

Following the Armistice, Vera returned to Colorado and homesteaded, earning patents for 640 acres south of Pueblo in 1924. In 1922, Vera married Frank Pease in La Junta, Colorado. In 1928, she ran for governor of Colorado on the Farmer-Labor Party ticket. In 1932, she ran for a seat in the Colorado senate on the Socialist Party ticket. Vera was an ardent supporter of old age assistance and social security, and for reform in the care of patients in mental institutions.

Between 1925 and 1932, Vera and Frank ran the Sage Brush Inn and Deaver Campground in Deaver, Wyoming. Vera was active in many clubs and organizations, often serving as an officer, as well as the Bishop for Wyoming of the Liberal Church. She was declared a heretic by the Liberal Church in 1930 for fostering the burning of Bibles by several Communists in the organization, who were themselves excommunicated. At some point before 1935, the couple moved to Denver, where Frank died and Vera officiated his funeral. Vera died in Oakland, California in 1935.

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Records collected by Pease in the course of her work at a Red Cross hut in France during World War I. Also includes several pamphlets reflecting Pease's political beliefs and campaign for Governor of Colorado in 1928.


Organized by record type. See container list for more information. Item level inventory available on-site.

Acquisition Information

Received as a gift from Vera Jane Edwards Pease in 1932.

Existence and Location of Originals

Original records available at the Wyoming State Archives unless otherwise noted in the container list.

Alternate Formats Available

Selected records may be available on microfilm or digital. See container list for more information.

Related Material

B-436, Vera Jane Edwards Pease Collection, Wyoming State Archives.

B-703, Vera Jane Edwards Pease Collection, Wyoming State Archives.

B-804, Vera Jane Edwards Pease Collection, Wyoming State Archives.

B-894, Vera Jane Edwards Pease Collection, Wyoming State Archives.

Separated Material

Artifacts relating to Pease's American Red Cross work was transferred to the Wyoming State Museum collection.

Processing Information

Processed before 2005. Finding aid prepared in 2020 by Suzi Taylor.

Guide to the Vera Jane Edwards Pease Collection, 1918-1928
Edited Full Draft
Suzi Taylor
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note
Finding aid is in English

Repository Details

Part of the Wyoming State Archives, Wyoming Cultural Resources Division, Wyoming Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources Repository

Barrett Building
2301 Central Avenue
Cheyenne Wyoming 82002 United States
(307) 777-7826