Combined Civil and Criminal Dockets, November 1916-July 1925
File — Volume: 1-7
Scope and Contents
Dockets contain summaries of civil and criminal proceedings. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of complaint or charge, dates and types of filings, plea, disposition, fine, and court cost
- November 1916-July 1925
Language of Materials
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Access Restrictions
There are no access restrictions on the materials for research purposes, and the collection is open to the public.
From the Collection: 475 cubic feet (includes volumes and boxes)
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Repository Details
Part of the Wyoming State Archives, Wyoming Cultural Resources Division, Wyoming Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources Repository
Barrett Building
2301 Central Avenue
Cheyenne Wyoming 82002 United States
(307) 777-7826
Barrett Building
2301 Central Avenue
Cheyenne Wyoming 82002 United States
(307) 777-7826