Showing Records: 1 - 10 of 96383
This record group contains records created by the county superintendent of school's office including correspondence between the county superintendent's office and the school districts, financial records, annual reports, teacher's certification records, district student census records, student records, district reorganization records, and teachers institute records.
?, 1932-1939
Record of grades and attendance per student. Occasionally, teachers noted courses of study and student population, and commented on teaching practices and students.
--, February 1887 - July 1890
This collection is comprised mainly of financial records from some of the companies managed by A.C. Beckwith, most likely from the probate file settling his estate after his death in 1896. Among the information to be found are personal account balances/charges, monthly and daily activities, individual and store purchases, and cash flow. Journals, cash books and petty ledgers often provide details about financial transactions, while information within general ledgers is generally abstract.
--, February 1898 - March 1900
This collection is comprised mainly of financial records from some of the companies managed by A.C. Beckwith, most likely from the probate file settling his estate after his death in 1896. Among the information to be found are personal account balances/charges, monthly and daily activities, individual and store purchases, and cash flow. Journals, cash books and petty ledgers often provide details about financial transactions, while information within general ledgers is generally abstract.
-----, 1887
Files contain various records documenting criminal proceedings against juveniles.
0000-00-7903 diaster relief for non-profit organizations, 1978-1979
Correspondence and department files about legal opinions and advice, investigations, legislation, administrative policies, law enforcement issues, lawsuits, and hearings. Candid remarks about politics and legislation may be found in some files.
00-001 – 00-011
Arrangement: Numerical by case number by year.
Files may contain warrants, indictments, motions, orders, subpoenas, bonds, transcripts, judgments and jury verdicts.
00-01 – 00-24
Arrangement: Numerical by case numbers within year.
Files contain various records, such as summonses, precipes for execution, motions, bonds, orders, petitions, evidence, transcripts of testimony, judgments and Supreme Court Appeals. See also Civil Case Papers.
00-001 – 00-042
Arrangement: Numerical by case number by year.
Files may contain motions, petitions, orders, bonds, letters of administration, wills, appointments of administrators, executors or guardians and inventories. For cases before 1892, see Probate Case Papers.
00-001 – 00-050
Records of Juvenile Court proceedings. Files may contain petition, order to appear, judgment and sentence, and disposition order.
NOTE: Restricted.
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- Type
- Archival Record 89520
- Digital Record 6863
- Subject
- Sheet music 2
- Elections -- Statistics 1
- Funeral rites and ceremonies 1
- Monuments and memorials -- Wyoming 1
- Political campaigns 1
- Tourism Industry 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 75
- Names
- Burlington Northern Railroad Company 2
- Cheyenne Club 2
- Bakker, Johan P. 1
- Grand Army of the Republic 1
- Hunton, John L., 1883-1944 1