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Guide to the Ernest A. Logan Collection

Identifier: C-1311

Scope and Content

Personal, social, legal and business records of Ernest A. Logan


  • 1869-1907


Language of Materials


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.

Copy Restrictions

Limited duplication of print materials allowed for research purposes. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Biographical Note

Earnest Alfred (E.A.) Logan was born in Dixon, Illinois on October 21, 1857, to Hill and Elizabeth Logan. The Logans moved to Cheyenne in 1871, living for a time at Camp Carlin before homesteading east of town near the present day Holliday Park. E.A. operated the Logan Book and Curio Shop in Cheyenne for many years.

In 1893, E.A. married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Walker in Cheyenne. Lizzie was born July 10, 1858 in County Armagh, Ireland. She and her sister...
emigrated to America in 1871 and settled in Cheyenne where they opened a dressmaking and millinery business before Lizzie got married.

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.5 cubic feet

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This collection contains personal, social, legal and business records of Ernest A. Logan


The collection is arranged in alphabetical order.

Acquisition Information

Donated by Dr. William E. Logan in 1944.

Related Material

There are no other known collections by Ernest A. Logan known at the writing of this finding aid.

Separated Material

Photographs were transferred to the photo section of the Wyoming State Archives and artifacts were transferred to the Wyoming State Museum collection.

Processing Information

Finding aid created by Carl Hallberg May 21, 1998.

Guide to the Ernest A. Logan Collection, 1869-1907
Edited Full Draft
Suzi Taylor
© 2015
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note
Finding aid is in English

Repository Details

Part of the Wyoming State Archives, Wyoming Cultural Resources Division, Wyoming Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources Repository

Barrett Building
2301 Central Avenue
Cheyenne Wyoming 82002 United States
(307) 777-7826