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01.02 Civil Case Files, 1923-2003


Scope and Contents

Filings of various records in civil court proceedings. Files may also include Supreme Court appeals.

Case numbers 1-9301 available on microfilm.

NOTE: In some cases, additional filings were received by the Archives for case files that had been filmed. These additional filings are located in the series "Separated Filings and Exhibits." Additional filings are available for case nos. 4071, 4715, 4796, 5695, 6037, 6210, 6533, 6713, 6844, 6871, 6903, 6971, 7058, 7614, 7715, 7756, 7759, 7960, 7969, 7996, 8066, 8124, 8125, 8213, 8230, 8495, 8529, 8580, 8702, 8955, 9213, and 9261.

NOTE: Entire case files that were in the possession of the Court at the time of filming are also filed under "Separated Filings and Exhibits." These include case nos. 4578, 7045, 7319, 7480, 7512, 7630, 7642, 7669, 7750, 7756, 7903, 7996, 8281, 8295, 8342, 8347, 8704, 8736, 8930, 9009, 9072, 9093, 9111, and 9213.


  • 1923-2003

Language of Materials

From the Collection:


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research though some record types may be restricted. See notes in the container list.


From the Collection: 434 cubic feet


Numerical by case number

Physical Description

203 cubic feet


Repository Details

Part of the Wyoming State Archives, Wyoming Cultural Resources Division, Wyoming Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources Repository

Barrett Building
2301 Central Avenue
Cheyenne Wyoming 82002 United States
(307) 777-7826